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How Do I Launch A Forex Brokerage Firm?


Article By Batya Rothberg

Hi everyone,

I have summarized how to start a Forex brokerage firm into a few bullet points and a short paragraph.
Keep in mind, this is a very brief summary and we’ll provide some more in-depth information in upcoming blog posts.

Now that Cryptocurrencies and Crypto trading are evolving, many online entrepreneurs see this as a window of opportunity to start a Forex trading business. Finantick is able to provide them with a full brokerage  plan that will include a responsive website with over 100 Forex and Crypto assets. Also, a full CRM platform that can manage your leads, users, depositors and agents.

Finantick offers brokerages a means of attaining new clients. Instead of focusing on the approximately 50 million Forex traders worldwide, focus on the other hundreds of millions with disposable income.

In conclusion the things you need to stat a Forex trading business are:

  1. A Forex software.
  2. A branded website.
  3. A full CRM and backend system

Thanks for reading and join us on the next post.